The Boy Who Lived...Wins Again!
Inspired by March Madness, we held our first Battle of the Books at high school. Students, teachers and administrators nominated books for our beginning sixteen brackets. Student library assistants chose the starting line up from all the nominations. I was thrilled to see not only popular books but all time classics like The Great Gatsby and To Kill A Mockingbird. The King James Bible was also nominated and made it all the way to the quarterfinals. Our ultimate battle was between The Hunger Games series and The Harry Potter series. In the end, their could be only one victor. Yes, The Harry Potter series was the grand champion by a landslide of votes. I have to admit I was overwhelmed by the amount of participation. We averaged over 300 votes a day! People were SERIOUS about promoting their favorite book. I had e-mails about how unfair it was their fave book was pitted against Twilight or Divergent. Personally, I loved every minute of it. How awesome is it to have an entire campus excited about books? It was this librarian's dream come true!