Tuesday, September 24, 2013

TL News Night

A few weeks ago my long time mentor and friend, Sharon Gullett, expressed that she would like to see me create a video podcast for school librarians. What a great idea!  I knew just who to call.  My talented friend, Nikki Robertson, would be the perfect person to help start this new adventure. In a few days we had a title and direction for the show, an awesome team of librarians, and guests for the first broadcast.  This little dream had become a reality-FAST. 

Monday night was the inaugural broadcast.  We welcomed guests from the New York Association of School Librarians.  Hearing their story of cutbacks, lost positions, and massive budget cuts rang all too true. Librarians across our great nation are losing their place in our libraries. Now is the time for us to become leaders in our libraries, schools and communities. I admire school librarians because I know the love and dedication we have for our students. We do make a difference!

Our next broadcast is October 21, 2013. Please join us as we highlight the Texas Library Association and discuss librarians as leaders in our changing world.

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